start fast: booting go programs quickly with inittrace and nonblocking[T]

A software article by Efron Licht
June 2023

The only thing a program does every time is boot, so it should boot as fast as possible. This used to be a given, but modern programs are often extraordinarily slow to start. It’s not unusual for simple programs to take 10s of seconds to start: it’s expensive, frustrating, and totally preventable. In this article, I’ll show you how to make your programs start in milliseconds, not seconds.

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A few notes before we begin: we’re going to optimize for ordinary, wall-clock time. For our purpose, Boot Time is the time from the start of the program to the program being ready to accept user input. For a web server, that’s time from ./server to tcp: listening on :8080. For a game, that’s time from double-clicking the .exe to PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE. We’ll divide Boot Time into two halves. Init Time is the time it takes to get to the first line of main(). Ready Time is the time from the first line of main() to READY.

Boot Time = Init Time + Ready Time

There’s only four ways to reduce the time it takes to do something:

description formal name example
do less work algorithmic optimization btree vs map
do the same work faster micro-optimization loading from cache vs loading from disk
do work at the same time parallelization decoding mp3s in parallel
do it in an order that involves less waiting scheduling/pipeline optimization dial postgres DB in a separate goroutine

The first two are covered in many, many other articles on software performance, including here and here on this very blog. We’ll mostly focus on the last two.

Init Time

Go programs form a tree of packages, with main() at the root. Starting from the leaves (that is, packages without any imports), each package is initialized by running init(). init() is a special function that is called by the runtime, even if you don’t explicitly define it. It has two phases:

package somepackage

var a = rand.Int() // implicit initialization happens first
var b int

func init() {b = rand.Int()} // explicit initialization happens second

All of these package.init() functions share a single goroutine, so they run sequentially.

See the go spec on package initialization for a more precise explanation.

Measuring init time

The go runtime provides a way to trace initialization with the environment variable GODEBUG=inittrace=1. spec Let’s try tracing the initialization of eblog, the server you’re reading this on.


GODEBUG=inittrace=1 go run .


init internal/bytealg @0.003 ms, 0 ms clock, 0 bytes, 0 allocs
init runtime @0.020 ms, 0.020 ms clock, 0 bytes, 0 allocs
init errors @0.19 ms, 0 ms clock, 0 bytes, 0 allocs
init sync @0.21 ms, 0.001 ms clock, 16 bytes, 1 allocs
# many more lines
init @1.5 ms, 0.017 ms clock, 17400 bytes, 187 allocs
init @1.6 ms, 0 ms clock, 48 bytes, 1 allocs
init main @1.6 ms, 0.32 ms clock, 31688 bytes, 353 allocs

“main.init() finished 1.6ms after the start of the program, and took 0.32ms. It required 31688 bytes of memory, spread across 353 calls to the allocator.”.

Measuring ready time

Tracing ready time is even simpler: just use time.Now() on the first line of main() and right before you start the meat of the program.

func main() {
    var startTime = time.Now()
    // other initialization
    // ...
    log.Printf("main() ready in %s", time.Since(startTime))
    go server.ListenAndServe()
    log.Printf("app listening on %s", server.Addr)

Using the blog again, we find:

main() ready in 611.478µs

app listening on :6483`

My blog starts in <3ms! Can’t say I don’t practice what I preach.

This suggests 3 approaches to reducing init time:


Assets (images, text files, configuration files, etc) are the most common culprit for slow initialization. As programs mature, they tend to accumulate more and more assets. Shorten load times by:

Load less

Don’t add a zillion assets that don’t do anything. Use one font instead of dozens. Use one image, or none. Most importantly, don’t load assets you don’t need. It is wild how many programs load literal hundreds of MiB of assets they never use. Please do not do this.

Prefer disk to network, and embedding to both

Loading from disk is (usually) faster & more reliable than loading from the network. Loading from the binary is ALWAYS faster than opening a file to read it. Syscalls are slow. Disks are slow. Networks are slow. Filesystems (can) be slow: NTFS in particular struggles with small files. (this is mostly a library problem, apparently).

Avoid both by getting necessary assets at compile time and embedding them directly in your binary.

That is, instead of this:

var data []byte
func init() {
    var err error
    data, err = io.ReadFile("assets/data.json")
    if err != nil {
    // do something with data

Or even worse, this:

var data []byte
func init() {
    var buf bytes.Buffer
    ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second)
    defer cancel()
    s3Downloader.Get("assets/data.json", &data, &s3.GetObjectInput{
        Bucket: aws.String("assets")
        Key:    aws.String("data.json")
    data = buf.Bytes()

Just do this:

import _ "embed" // must be imported to use `//go:embed`

//go:embed assets/data.json
var data []byte

Simple & fast.

Don’t be the guy who needs to call seven different cloud APIs to serve a web page.

Load assets of the same kind in parallel

Instead of initializing similar assets ad-hoc, use classic fork-join parallelism to do them all at once.

Let’s use how my game Tactical Tapir loads fonts from disk as an example.

We use a sync.WaitGroup to wait for all the fonts to load, and a map[string]font.Face to store them.

Populating a map in parallel is a little tricky, because maps aren’t thread-safe. There’s a number of approaches you could use:

We’ll use the last approach, because it has no locks. Any of the four are unlikely to cause bottlenecks: use whatever you’re most comfortable with.

Once static.init returns, all the fonts are loaded and ready to use, so all other packages can just read the map without worrying about synchronization.

package static
import "embed"
import "sync"
canvasfont ""

//go:embed fonts/*.woff2
var fs embed.FS
var Fonts = loadFont()
func loadFont() map[string]font.Face {
    wg := new(sync.WaitGroup)
    dir := must(fs.ReadDir("font"))
    tmp := make([]font.Face, len(dir)) // temporary slice to hold the fonts as they're loaded
    for i, entry := range dir {
        i, entry := i, entry
        // needed until is implemented
        go func() {
            defer wg.Done()
            b := must(assets.ReadFile("font/" + d.Name()))
            if strings.Contains(d.Name(), "woff2") {
                b = must(canvasfont.ParseWOFF2(b))
            ttf := must(truetype.Parse(b))
            tmp[i] = truetype.NewFace(ttf, &truetype.Options{Size: 16})

    wg.Wait() // sychronization point: wait for all fonts to load

    // load the fonts into the map
    fonts := make(map[string]font.Face, len(tmp))
    for i, face := range tmp {
        if face != nil {
            fonts[dir[i].Name()] = face
    return fonts
func must[T any](t T, err error) {if err != nil {log.Fatal(err)} return t}

We can generalize this idea for other asset types like audio, images, and shaders, and use another layer of fork-join parallelism to load all those at once:

var (
    Audio  = make(map[string][]byte, len(must(assets.ReadDir("audio"))))
    Img    = make(map[string]*ebiten.Image, len(must(assets.ReadDir("img"))))
    Fonts  = make(map[string]font.Face, len(must(assets.ReadDir("font"))))
    Shader = make(map[string]*ebiten.Shader, len(must(assets.ReadDir("shader"))))
func init() {
    wg := new(sync.WaitGroup)
    go func() {Fonts = loadFont(); wg.Done() }()
    go func() { Audio = loadAudio(); wg.Done() }()
    go func() { Img = loadImg(); wg.Done() }()
    go func() { Shader = loadShader(); wg.Done() }()

Let’s see how this performs:

IN (serial)

git checkout serial-init
go build -o bin/tacticaltapir-serial


static: 14:50:04 static.go:64: audio    loading 33 files...
static: 14:50:06 static.go:78: initmap: static.loadAudio audio    loaded 33 files in 1.3351982s
static: 14:50:06 static.go:53: initMap: static.loadFonts: begin
static: 14:50:06 static.go:64: font     loading 61 files...
static: 14:50:06 static.go:78: initmap: static.loadFonts font     loaded 61 files in 234.0474ms
static: 14:50:06 static.go:53: initMap: static.loadShader: begin
static: 14:50:06 static.go:64: shader   loading 2 files...
static: 14:50:06 static.go:78: initmap: static.loadShader shader   loaded 2 files in 1.0396ms
static: 14:50:06 static.go:53: initMap: static.loadImg: begin
static: 14:50:06 static.go:64: img      loading 1 files...
static: 14:50:06 static.go:78: initmap: static.loadImg img      loaded 1 files in 1.5193ms
static: 14:50:06 static.go:165: all      loaded 97 files in 1.5723292s


IN (parallel)

git checkout parallel-init
go build -o bin/tacticaltapir-parallel


static: 14:48:52 static.go:78: initmap: static.loadShader shader   loaded 2 files in 24.4905ms
static: 14:48:52 static.go:78: initmap: static.loadImg img      loaded 1 files in 13.1632ms
static: 14:48:52 static.go:78: initmap: static.loadFonts font     loaded 61 files in 171.8455ms
static: 14:48:52 static.go:78: initmap: static.loadAudio audio    loaded 33 files in 249.365ms
static: 14:48:52 static.go:165: all      loaded 97 files in 250.4947ms

1572ms / 250.49ms ≈ 6.275 . That’s over 6x faster! While the difference between 1.5s and 250ms may not seem like much, as we scale the program, the difference will become more and more pronounced. 30s vs 5s is night and day.

Store assets in the form you can use them most immediately

use code as a data-description language

Instead of storing your 100000x item list as JSON, XML, TOML, or some other serialization format, just describe it in code. Why add extra steps?

To use Tactical Tapir again as an example, here’s how I define guns: I just have a big flat array of structs, indexed by GunID, an enum:

type GunID byte
const (
 PISTOL GunID = iota                  // single pistol, held in the right hand.

    // many omitted

 RIFLE                    // sniper rifle. slow to fire, large clip, pierces enemies and walls.
 GUN_ID_N                 // number of guns; must be last

// gun definitions defined at compile time
var Defs = [GUN_ID_N]Def{
        // many omitted
    PISTOL: {
        GunID:    PISTOL,
        AmmoID:   AMMO_9MM,
        FireType: SEMIAUTO,
        HoldType: HOLD_RHAND,

        AmmoPerClip:                10,
        AmmoPerShot:                1,
        CanPutRoundInChamber:       true,
        // many omitted
        PPierce:      0,
        PSpread:      0.03,
        ReloadFrames: 10,

pre-encode or render assets to their use format

For example, instead of rendering HTML via text templates on boot, you can render the HTML pre-compile and bake it into the binary. That’s how you’re reading this page right now.

avoid extra encoding/decoding steps

Sometimes you do need to store data in a format that isn’t immediately usable: e.g, to avoid binary bloat. In this case, choose a format that encodes and decodes quickly. A potential avenue to improve Tactical Tapir’s boot times by storing audio in formats that decode faster (like WAV or direct PCM rather than mp3), and storing our fonts directly as TTF files instead of WOFF2. When considering alternatives for compression or encoding, always measure, don’t just assume. Performance can be counterintuitive: sometimes a compressed format is faster to load than an uncompressed one, because the compressed format makes better use of cache. If I end up doing this, I’ll update this post with the results.

Lazy evaluation

Booting our program often involves setting up a bunch of dependencies (Database, Logger, Redis, etc) that are not required for the ‘basic’ functionality of the program. We’d like some way to get these up and running without waiting for every single one to be ready. After all, if we aren’t going to use a component, we don’t care if it’s ready or not.

Lazy evaluation means waiting to initialize a dependency until you need it. You can use a sync.Once for lazy initialization. Here’s an example of a lazy-initialized database:

package postgres
import (
    _ "" // import enables postgres driver

var db, dbErr *sql.DB // as before
var once sync.Once // as before

// DB returns the database connection, initializing it if necessary.
func DB() (*sql.DB, error) { once.Do(initDB); return db, dbErr}

// MustDB is as DB, but panics on error.
func MustDB() *sql.DB {
    if dbErr != nil {
    return db
func initDB() {db, dbErr = sql.Open("postgres", "...")}

The user simply calls DB() or MustDB() anywhere they need a database connection. The first call initializes the database, and subsequent calls return the same connection: the runtime will make sure you block until the connection is ready.

Nonblocking eager initialization

Lazy initialization is helpful if we don’t need a dependency right away, but what if we do? After all, waiting until you’re hungry to order lunch makes lunch later, not sooner. This analogy suggests it’s own solution: call in an order for lunch, then pick it up when you need it.

In programming terms, we eagerly initialize dependencies, but we refrain from blocking on them until we need them. Implementation is trivial: just call sync.Once.Do in it’s own goroutine during init().

func init() { go once.Do(initDB) }

This isn’t a lot of work, but you’ll start needing a lot of scaffolding: each dependency will need it’s own line in init(), two functions, and a handful of variables.

Generics to the rescue: nonblocking[T]

We can cleanly abstract both ‘classic’ lazy initialization and the nonblocking eager kind with a new type using Go’s generics.

// nonblocking[T] is a lazy-initialized value of type T.
// build a nonblocking[T] with NewLazy[T]() or NewEager[T]()
type nonblocking[T any] struct {
    once sync.Once // guards initialization
    val T // result of initialization, once initialized
    err  error  // error from initialization, once initialized
    fn   func() (T, error) // initializing function, called with Once().

// initialize the nonblocking[T] by evaluating fn() and storing the result.
func (nb *nonblocking[T]) initialize() {nb.once.Do(func() {nb.val, nb.err = nb.fn})}

// NewEager returns a *nonblocking[T] that will be initialized immediately in its own goroutine.
func NewEager[T any](f func() (T, error)) *nonblocking[T] {nb := &nonblocking[T]{fn: f}; go nb.initialize(); return nb}

// NewLazy returns a *nonblocking[T] that will be initialized on first call to Get().
func NewLazy[T any](f func() (T, error)) *nonblocking[T] {return &nonblocking[T]{fn: f}}

// Get returns the value of the nonblocking[T], initializing it if necessary.
func (nb *nonblocking[T]) Get() (T, error) {nb.initialize(); return nb.val, nb.err}
// MustGet is as Get, but panics on error.
func (nb *nonblocking[T]) MustGet() T { nb.initialize(); if nb.err != nil {panic(nb.err)}; return nb.val}

This new API is much simpler to use:

// see
var DB = NewEager(newDB)

// i've added some sleeps to demonstrate the
// interleaving of initialization and use.
func main() {
    time.Sleep(160 * time.Millisecond)

    fmt.Println("main: 1")
    fmt.Println("main: 2")

func newDB() (*sql.DB, error) {
    time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)

    fmt.Println("newDB: 1")
    time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
    fmt.Println("newDB: 2")
    return new(sql.DB), nil


go run main.go


newDB: 1
main: 1
newDB: 2
main: 2

Don’t make everything Eager - ‘regular’ lazy evaulation is often the best choice, and most things initialize so fast there’s no need to do anything at all. But I highly recommend using this pattern for any dependency that takes more than a few milliseconds to initialize.

putting it all together

These techniques are orthogonal. For example, we could use eager nonblocking initialization on our parallelized static asset loading, so that the rest of the program can start up while the assets are loading. We could also lazily initialize some assets that are unlikely to be used rather than loading them all at once, etc. Keep in mind, if you find a particularly sticky package that boots slowly, you’ll need to rely on traditional programming techniques to speed it up. Parallelism cannot fix algorithmic complexity, only paper over it.


Hope you found this helpful! A quick-booting program should be a source of pride. Your program may not do anything, but by god, it’ll do nothing fast.

Next we’re going to talk about how to make your program compile and deploy quickly. After all, as a developer, you probably build nearly as often as you run: shouldn’t that process be as fast and painless as possible?

After that, I plan on an article about why boot time and compile time matter. If you liked this article, check out more, like this one on lesser-known go features.

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